Household Income and Math Scores

“Household Income and Math Scores” (2021) is a body of work based on a data set that explores the correlation between household income and home country on international math test scores as published in the Economist in 2020.

On average, pupils in wealthy countries achieve higher test scores than those in developing ones, in turn contributing to the accrued wealth and success of the societies to which they contribute.

Josh HarlanHousehold Income and Math Scores 1, 2021Vibrachrome Metal Print48 x 48 inches

Josh Harlan

Household Income and Math Scores 1, 2021

Vibrachrome Metal Print

48 x 48 inches

Josh HarlanHousehold Income and Math Scores 3, 2021Vibrachrome Metal Print48 x 48 inches

Josh Harlan

Household Income and Math Scores 3, 2021

Vibrachrome Metal Print

48 x 48 inches


Josh HarlanHousehold Income and Math Scores 2, 2021Vibrachrome Metal Print48 x 48 inches

Josh Harlan

Household Income and Math Scores 2, 2021

Vibrachrome Metal Print

48 x 48 inches

Josh HarlanHousehold Income and Math Scores 4, 2021Vibrachrome Metal Print48 x 48 inches

Josh Harlan

Household Income and Math Scores 4, 2021

Vibrachrome Metal Print

48 x 48 inches